Wednesday, August 25, 2010

"Growing Up Sci Fi"

Don Fagen, co-leader of the legendary Jazz-Rock group Steely Dan, has written about the influence that Korzybski's work had on him via his science fiction reading—A.E. Van Vogt, etc.—as a kid growing up in the Fifties. Interesting stuff!  Here's the link:"The Cortico-Thalamic Pause: Growing Up Sci Fi" 


Ross said...

Yes, if only the "cortico-thalamic pause" was as easy to pull off as van Vogt made it sound.

Van Vogt had a tremendous faith in the world-salvific potential of GS ("Null-A"). In all things, we should ask ourselves "What would Gilbert Gosseyn do?" Or, better yet, "What would the Games Machine do?"

Interestingly, the name of Donald Fagen's band, Steely Dan, comes from the work of GS-oriented author William S. Burroughs. It is the name of a dildo in his famous novel, NAKED LUNCH. Fagen and bandmate Walter Becker were both influenced by his work. Reference: WILLIAM BURROUGHS, EL HOMBRE INVISIBLE: A PORTRAIT by Barry Miles (New York: Hyperion, 1993, 10-11).

Bruce Kodish said...

Thanks for these tidbits, Ross.